How You can Directly Impact our Community

Each year over 25 million tourists flock to our little college town seeking a rich and inspiring experience through the diverse artists that populate the Southwest. Living in the “Live Music Capital of the World” is an incredible gift, and we here at Quality Americana are dedicated to celebrating the local musicians that put our city on the map.

We believe Austin’s music scene is a treasure trove of undiscovered talent. Through in-depth interviews, feature articles, and music reviews, we aim to give these artists the recognition they deserve on a broader platform.

By partnering with us, your company will have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the local music community in Austin. Your support will directly contribute to the growth and sustainability of our cherished music scene.

Direct Support for Artists

We recognize the challenges faced by musicians, particularly in a city like Austin where the cost of living is high and performance pay may not always suffice. We are committed to providing support in the form of gift cards for groceries and essential goods, and hopefully a night out on the town as a thank you for the artists that affect our daily lives. Ensuring that our local artists can focus on their craft without financial stress is one of our biggest goals.

Brand Visibility

As a sponsor, your brand will be prominently featured across our online platforms, including our website, social media channels, and promotional materials. This exposure will allow you to reach a targeted audience of music enthusiasts and community-minded individuals, as well as our massive tourist industry.

A Direct Connection From Your Brand to the Arts

Supporting Quality Americana shows your commitment to community engagement, arts advocacy, and support of our diverse culture. It showcases your dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of artists and creatives, and allows you to show your customer base that art advocacy is an essential part of your brand.

Sponsorship Opportunities 

We offer a range of sponsorship packages tailored to meet the unique needs and objectives of your company. Whether you’re interested in brand recognition, community engagement, or employee involvement, we can customize a sponsorship package that aligns with your goals and budget.

Get Involved

We invite you to join us in our mission to elevate Austin’s music scene and support our local musicians. Together we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of artists and enrich the cultural fabric of our community.

Schedule a Meeting

We would love the chance to speak with you in person about this opportunity to connect your brand to the local art scene. Please contact:

Andrew Blanton – Content Director 


Robert Alarcon – Executive Director
